I will avoid translating and providing details for every word in this picture, as to do so would make the post too long. However, provided below is a translation for every sentence and a discussion of some of the more interesting words and expressions. (Click on picture to enlarge.)
Kui emme tahab
kinno, siis emme läheb kinno!
If/when mom wants [to go] to the cinema, mom goes to the cinema!
Võta beebi kaasa,
sõbrannad ligi ja Solaris Kino ootab teid!
Bring the baby along and have your girlfriends close. Solaris Cinema awaits your visit!
NB! Emme ja Beebi
Kinopäevale on ka issid väga teretulnud!
NB! Dads are also very welcome at the Mom and Baby Cinema Days.
Kehrwiederi Jäätisekohvikus kinopileti esitamisel saavad emmed ja
nende beedid 2 teed või 2 mahla ühe hinnaga, samuti pakutakse 10%
soodustust teistele jookidele ja kookidele.
In the marvellous Kehrwieder Ice-cream café moms and babies get 2 teas or 2 juices for the price of 1, as well as a 10% discount on other drinks and cakes [slices of cakes], on the presentation of a cinema ticket.
Kohvikus Komeet
ootab teid spetsiaalne BEEBIMENÜÜ – klientidele vanuses 1-17
kuud. Valmistame erinevaid värskeid aed- ja puuviljamehusid ning
püreesid kõige pisematele.
In Komeet café a special BABY MENU awaits - for customers aged 1-17 months. We prepare various fresh vegetable and fruit juices* and purées for all little ones.
ligi 'near, close; nearly', Eestis on ligi 6000 mesinikku 'There are close to/ nearly 6,000 beekeepers in Estonia', present in the compound ligipääs 'access', as in Õiglane ligipääs kõrgharidusele Eestis 'Equitable [just/fair/unbiased] access to vocational education in Estonia.'
kinopileti esitamisel = kino 'cinema' + pilet 'ticket' + -i gen. suffix + esitamise < esitamine 'act of presenting' + -l ade. case = on presentation of a cinema ticket
ühe hinnaga = ühe gen. of üks 'one' + hinna gen. of hind 'price' + -ga com. case. = for the price of one (lit. with the price of one).
kinopileti esitamisel = kino 'cinema' + pilet 'ticket' + -i gen. suffix + esitamise < esitamine 'act of presenting' + -l ade. case = on presentation of a cinema ticket
ühe hinnaga = ühe gen. of üks 'one' + hinna gen. of hind 'price' + -ga com. case. = for the price of one (lit. with the price of one).
vili - 'fruit, crop'. Beware in Estonian that the English words vegetable and fruit are translated as aedvili 'garden crop'/ juurvili 'root crop' and puuvili 'tree crop' respectively. Thus värskeid aed- ja puuviljamehusid - fresh vegetable and fruit juice (lit. fresh garden and tree crop juice). A carrot porgand would be an example of a juurvili but a courgette (zucchini) would be an example of a aedvili. There is also the word köögivili 'cooking crop'.
mehu - in Finnish this is the simple word for juice, as in appelsiinimehu 'orange juice'. Here however, in Estonian, it refers specifically more to a juice with pulp. EKSS (Explanation dictionary of the Estonian language) defines mehu as viljalihaga mahl 'juice with fruit meat' (meat here as in nutmeat), mahl being the simple word for juice, which we have seen above in 2 teed või 2 mahla '2 teas or 2 juices' (teed here is in the singular partitive, not the nominative plural (forms are identical), cf. kaks mahla '2 juices', singular partitive of mahl, and mahlad 'juices', nominative plural).
pisematele = pisem < pisike 'tiny, minute' + -a- gen. affx + -te- gen. pl. affix + -le all. case = for little ones (lit. on to the tinier ones)
* with pulp