Friday, September 14, 2012

Say hello and news

Tere päevast teile kõigile,  eesti keele kaas-entusiastid!

I have a request to make of you all, readers of this blog. It would be nice if you could leave a comment below in which you introduce yourself and let me know a bit about your connection with this beautiful language. I'd be interesting in learning what you like about the blog and maybe what you'd like to see in the future.

As for the news, I announced here that I am planning to take the Estonian B2-level exam in September next year (with a pit-stop at the B1 exam in February). I haven't looked at the sample papers in a while (they are available here in Estonian - links to tasks are contained INSIDE the PDF files) but I do know I have much work to do. My main concerns are:

+ Acquiring a natural-sounding syntax
+ Improving grammatical accuracy when speaking
+ Building up vocabulary
+ Getting used to following lengthy spoken texts

Time for me to take another look at the sample papers now.

If you'd also like to learn about the exam and practice a bit you can also go: here and here.


  1. Tere, ma elasin Eestis kaks aastat Mormooni misjonärina. Nüüd olen tagasi USAs aga igatsen Eestimaad tihti, ja mull meeldivad su blog ja eestikeelsed mõtted ja õppetunnikesed!

  2. Tere! My name is Ieva, I am Latvian, and I live in Latvian-Estonian border area. That's why I should know Estonian.

  3. Tere! Olen Elena, ja olen kiinnostunut viron kielestä, koska se on sukua suomen kielelle! Kun osaan suomea hyvin, haluaisin opiskella viroa. Ne ovat kaksi kaunista kieltä. Sinä kirjoitat hyvin aiheesta, ja viron kielen kielioppi on tosi mielenkiintoista. :)

  4. Tere Austin, Ieva ja Elena. Suur aitäh teie tervituste ja kommentaaride eest! Mul on hea meel, et teile meeldib minu blogi. Ilusat päeva teile! Paldies / thanks / kiitos!

  5. Tere! Minu nimi on Barry. Ma olen parit s^otimaalt, aga nuud ma elan ja tootan Inglismaal. Kui ma olin kaksteist aastat ma nägin Balti kett, ja tahtsin mina Eestisse. Mu esimest (is that right?) soitsin seal aastal 2002 ja nüüd ma... errr... uhm... and now I've been there 13 times and have fallen slightly deeper in love with the amazing country each time :-)

    I am hopeless at learning languages, like a true Brit I did Latin at school because you had to do a language and because it was the easiest. I struggle with it a lot and sometimes doubt the sense behind learning a language that it sometimes seems no native speaker is willing to speak to you in (last year I went to Abruka; that they should speak English in the cafe there just takes the biscuit!).

    However while I can hardly communicate in the language, I realise when I turn up in other countries feeling lost that I have learnt enough to know what's going on around me and to get an idea of the gist of most signs and so on, so that's useful and helps me enjoy my visits there more. One day I might think about checking whether I've got to A1; I haven't yet.

    What I'd like to see from the blog? That you carry on as you are :-)

  6. "Tere! Minu nimi on Barry. Ma olen pärit Šotimaalt, aga nüüd ma elan ja töötan Inglismaal. Kui ma olin kaksteist aastat vana, kuulsin ma Balti keti kohta ja tahtsin seepärast Eestisse minna. Sõitsin sinna esimest korda 2002 a. ja nüüd olen ma Eestis käinud 13 korda. Ma olen iga korraga sellesse imelisse maasse järjest sügavamalt armunud."

    Thanks Barry for your great comment. Always nice to get feedback from my readers. Good luck with your Estonian learning! Maybe the next time you're in Tallinn you can say hello in person.

  7. Seo Võro Qiil ja SoomeKeeli

    Tereq! Rööm nätäq

    Ma olö Andii ma olö Ingläne ja elät Sendai, Jaapanista .Maanjärystys ja Tsoonanmi Paiqqa.
    .Olen yritän oppia SuomiKieli mutta meeldima ,tahtma OoraaliQooltoori ja Qiili QaarjalaQiili SetoQiili VõroQiili. Histora Baltiq maa.

    Eesti ViroQiili ja SoomiQiili Bloggit on hüvvä.

    Muidoki ,Ensinnäkin Olin täytyy oppia Suomea ja Rootsi niin kuuntele Yle Puhe

  8. Replies
    1. Never did get to it in the end. Life (kids, work and study) got in the way. Some day I may return to it.
